
cervical cancer awareness

better do what you can

The Causes

Researchers have identified HPV as the most common cause of cervical cancer. Although several cervical cancer risk factors have been identified, HPV remains the strongest link to the cause of cervical cancer.

What You Need to Know About HPV..

Human papillomavirus, or HPV for short, is the current leading cause of cervical. There are over 100 different strains of the the virus, but only a few strains are considered to be high risk.

The HPV test is a method for many to determine if they are infected with HPV, and if it is a high risk strain. The HPV test is most often done in women over 30, along with a regular Pap smear.

About us
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Hi,we are the 2nd year nursing student from an insitution.
We set up this blog mainly for our project and at the same time to reach to the public about Cervical Cancer

Take your time and read as cervical cancer can be prevented. Thank You!



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