
cervical cancer awareness

better do what you can

Nursing Role

  • Assessment of pain to obtain baseline and to provide pain management

  • Check vital sign to obtain baseline

  • Observe for any side effect of the chemotherapy treatment

  • Provide patient with hourly turning to promote comfort

  • Encourage patient to do ROM to promote mobility and prevent muscle atrophy

  • Inform staff nurse of the pain so that painkiller can be administered

  • Monitor side effect of painkiller

  • Teach patient deep breathing to manage the pain

  • Provide patient wit hot compress to relax muscle spasm

  • Teach patient divertional therapy to divert the attention from pain

  • Massage the area to promote blood circulation and relaxation

About us
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Hi,we are the 2nd year nursing student from an insitution.
We set up this blog mainly for our project and at the same time to reach to the public about Cervical Cancer

Take your time and read as cervical cancer can be prevented. Thank You!



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