
cervical cancer awareness

better do what you can

The Staging

The stage is based on where cancer is found. These are the stages of invasive cervical cancer:

Stage 1: The tumor has invaded the cervix beneath the top layer of cells. Cancer cells are found only in the cervix.

Stage 2: The tumor extends to the upper part of the vagina. It may extend beyond the cervix into nearby tissues toward the pelvic wall (the lining of the part of the body between the hips). The tumor does not invade the lower third of the vagina or the pelvic wall.

Stage 3: The tumor extends to the lower part of the vagina. It may also have invaded the pelvic wall. If the tumor blocks the flow of urine, one or both kidneys may not be working well.

Stage 4: The tumor invades the bladder or rectum. Or the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

Recurrent cancer: The cancer was treated, but has returned after a period of time during which it could not be detected. The cancer may show up again in the cervix or in other parts of the body.

About us
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Hi,we are the 2nd year nursing student from an insitution.
We set up this blog mainly for our project and at the same time to reach to the public about Cervical Cancer

Take your time and read as cervical cancer can be prevented. Thank You!



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